Step 1
First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Preset the oven 325°F 2 Fan 100% humidity. Take the first set and place over a double boiler, ensure the fire is on low so the chocolate does not scold on the outsides of the bowl. While that’s melting sift the secondset together and set aside. Place the third set in a bowl and whisk the eggs lightly. Immersion blend the first set and fold into the second set with a rubber spatula, ensuring there is no lumps. Whisk in the eggs into the chocolate mixture. Pour the batter into a tray lined with parchment sprayed with nonstick on both sides. Bake for 15-20 minutes checking often, middle should just be set not over. Let cool completely before cutting into. Cut into 1x1 squares – 4 pieces per order.
Prep Time - 30 minutes
Bake Time - 20 minutes
Step 2
Check in the center with a cake tester before pulling, ensuring this isn’t over baked the top should have a light crust and the rest should be a very fudgy brownie.
First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Fourth Set
To start, take the sourdough and cut it into 6 pieces, bake in the 350°F oven until super golden brown, just before burnt. Take the first set and gently heat to 45°C whisking the entire time. Whisk the second set and then add to the liquid mixture before it reaches 50°C. Keep whisking to dissolve any lumps. Bring the mixture to 85°C and cook out for 5 minutes stirring continuously. Once at the correct temp turn off the heat and add in the yeast, whisk until dissolved then add in all the bread from the last set whisking and letting soak for 20 minutes, add in salt to taste, about 6 grams. Using an immersion blender break up all the bread and blend well. Strain with a chinois, RESERVE the excess starchy milk bread left in the chinois to bake. Cool the base and spin earlier in the day, this base should be super think and once spun should have elasticity.
Prep Time - 45 minutes
Bake Time - 1 - 1.5 hour if churning ice cream the same day
Take the milk bread from the chinois, spread it thin using an offset on sheet trays lined with a Silpat. Bake at a 325°F FULL FAN oven, scrape every 5 minutes making sure its baking evenly, take out of the oven once golden brown or after about 15 minutes. Let cool to room temperature Robot Coupe for the crumble and leave larger pieces for the ice cream garnish. Store in containers with silica gel packets.
Prep Time - 5 minutes
Bake Time - 15-20 minutes
First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Fourth Set
Take the first set and make an amber caramel, do not stir. Take the heavy cream and deglaze the caramel with it, turn the heat on low and melt in the caramel until everything is homogenized. Whisk in the yeast until dissolved, add in the water and whisk in until dissolved and the caramel is shiny. Store into pint containers on the expo shelf.
Prep Time - 15 minutes
Bake Time - 15 minutes
First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Fourth set
Take the gelatin and bloom it in ice water. Whisk the yolks and sugar together in a mixing bowl, take the milk and cream place in a pot and simmer, temper in the eggs into the hot liquid. Add in the gelatin and whisk until dissolved. Pour the crème anglaise over the chocolate and cocoa powder, immersion blend until smooth. Place over and ice bath mixing until semi cool. before the gelatin sets fold in the whipped cream. Place in the cooler in a bowl, skin wrap it, let set for a couple of hours and then place into piping bags for service.
Prep Time - 20 minutes
Make Time to Final Product - 45 minutes
Take the bread and thinly slice to 1-centimeter thickness. After getting the slices cut off all the crust, making a 3x3 square. Using the larger part of a pastry pipping tip, cut out a whole in the top left corner of the bread slice you can throw away the small circle cut out. Bake the slices at 325°F in between two Silpat bake until lightly toasted, about 10 minutes. Once the toast is out of the oven, spray the slice with nonstick spray, using a strainer shive over with cocoa powder fully coating it. Reserve for service.
Prep Time - 8 minutes
Bake Time - 10 minutes
Tatum Sinclair started her career at the three-Michelin-starred Jean-Georges restaurant in New York. Following that, she teamed up with her mentor, Chef Stephen Gillanders, to open S.K.Y., Somerset and Apolonia, all in Chicago. In 2020, Sinclair won Rising Pastry Chef of the Year at the Jean Banchet Awards.